Be A Role-Model For Balance
Find out what happens when you find balance from within!

Be Centered In Motion©
Being a role-model for balance means that you, as a leader, have found an equanimity within yourself that has become so embodied it extends out into all of your work, interactions, and experiences. It means that you bring inner peace and harmony with you where ever you go and into all you do. A daunting feat it may seem, but with the right process and support, it can actually be a lot of fun. This program has a fundamental structure built on practical tools with a proven formula for results and is still flexible enough to meet you where you’re at while navigating towards your personal goals, ultimately succeeding in finding an inner balance that’s most authentic for you. This systematized process was used in varied form with an independent Columbia University study where researchers found my program to produce statistically significant measures in reducing stress and burnout, clinically decreasing anxiety and depression, and increasing job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and resilience. 100% of our participants said they were likely to continue using the tools once the program was complete.
Expand Self-Awareness
Mind Consciousness
Body Consciousness
Emotions Consciousness
Breath Consciousness
Make Self-Care More Routine
Learn Mind-Body Practices to Use for a Lifetime
Develop Self-Mastery
Learn How to Regulate Your Nervous System
Discover How to Manage Your Energy
Enjoy More Work-Life Balance
What We’ll Work on Tailored for You…
3-month initial commitment (12 sessions)
Meeting weekly for 1-hour over zoom
In-person meeting and in-between meeting call add-on options available
Pre and post assessments, goal setting and plan of action created collaboratively
Guided recordings and videos tailored for your personal use
Weekly follow-up emails with handouts, recommendations, exercises, personalized guided recording, videos, and transcripts, etc